Anxiety, fear and depression are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions
that we can experience at some point in our lives.
Through counselling, coaching and hypnosis, Jenet is able to help you increase motivation, perspective, and joy
You Can Get On With Your Life.

Help for Overwhelm

Help for Weight Reduction
Weight Loss Without Dieting? Can you imagine that? Just think about it, being the size and shape that you want…. Feel great, Look fabulous!
Based on Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band program this technique is the easiest and simplest way to lose those unwanted kilo’s.
“I have lost approximately 10Kg … and keeping it off.” Bernard S., Melbourne

Help for Health Issues
Stress management and anxiety
How Jenet Can Help
Having initially trained in 1998, Jenet has extensive training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
She has found hypnosis and NLP to be very effective in communicating with the mind/body connection to achieve positive, effective and desired results.
Consultations via on-line as well as in person in Carnegie and Tatura, Vic.
Are you currently at the weight and shape you want to be?
Do you feel healthy, good about your appearance?
What if you could be the size and shape you want and know that you are in control of your eating instead of food controlling you?
Helping You to Focus, Gain Control and Get on with Your Life.